In Overcomer, What Chapters Does She Read in Ephesians

Overcomer is the latest film from the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen. They produce movies under the company of Kendrick Brothers Productions. Since they've begun working on movies, the Kendrick brothers have released multiple films including State of war Room, Courageous, Fireproof, and Facing The Giants.

Their religion-based approach to movie making is astonishing. They began creating movies with their church building, Sherwood Baptist Church because they discovered many people said a moving picture leaves a more lasting touch than a church sermon. This is too i of the reasons I created the Reel Leadership series. Passing on leadership lessons from movies because a motion picture is easier to remember than a seminar or leadership conference.

Cast members from Overcomer the movie

Overcomer tells the story of Coach John Harrison (Alex Kendrick) as his basketball program shuts downward at Brookshire Christian School. He is and so recruited past principal Olivia Brooks (Priscilla Shirer) to take over the cross country team.

Coach Harrison is upwards for a huge challenge equally he discovers at that place'southward not a cantankerous state team at the schoolhouse. Rather, there is one young girl named Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson) who wants to endeavor out. To top it off, Hannah is an asthmatic!

With these challenges in front of him, Coach Harrison has his piece of work cut out for him. Yet, Overcomer is a touching story. One with aarticulatemessage you won't forget when you lot walk abroad from the theater.

Along with the clear, faith-based message of Overcomer, yous won't walk abroad without taking away multiple leadership lessons.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Overcomer The Movie

one. Give a clear program:

Coach Harrison gave the basketball team at Brookshire Christian a pep talk at the last game of their season. There were seconds remaining and the team was down six points. That'south two 3-point shots to tie the game.

Bus Harrison pulled his squad together. He shared a programme that would keep the pressure on the visiting team. A program he hoped would win the championship.

The plan was articulate. The squad knew what to do.

After the talk, the squad went out and executed the plan.

When sharing our plans for our system, we can easily muddy the plan. We can requite extraneous details that won't help communicate the plan.

We need to get rid of the fluff. To be effective, nosotros take to brand sure the plans nosotros lay out are clear and understandable by our teams.

2. Tell your squad yous're proud of them:

Despite the clear plan, Autobus Harrison's team lost the title game. They walked away as losers.

Yet, in Motorbus Harrison's optics, the boys weren't losers. They had played a cracking game and he was proud of them.

Coach Harrison shared his pride with his team. He permit them know how proud of them he was and how thankful he was to be their motorcoach.

Cracking leaders know they have to share how proud they are of their team with their team. You may think it is superficial or fluff but information technology is not.

The people on your team arepeople. They long to exist told how expert they're doing or how proud of them you lot are. Don't concur back your positive feelings about your team. They demand to hear information technology from their leader.

iii. Go the extra mile:

The city where Overcomer is prepare in lost a major manufacturer. A establish was closing down and people were moving away. This meant the school was going to lose a large portion of the educatee body.

It as well meant teachers and faculty were going to leave. Uh oh!

Considering of the loss of students and faculty, main Brooks asked Coach Harrison to step in to motorbus the cantankerous country squad. They needed someone to coach and he was there.

He reluctantly accepted the position. Not considering he wanted to just considering he was a leader who went the actress mile when needed.

Y'all will be chosen upon to do things outside of your championship and function. Volition you be willing to footstep upwards and go the actress mile?

Cracking leaders are willing to step up and go the extra mile when required. They ofttimes know this won't be a permanent affair merely a temporary sacrifice. Be willing to get the actress mile.

4. Principal Olivia Brooks:

1 runner matters.

When Autobus Harrison discovered there was only one runner willing to endeavour out for the cantankerous state team, he was disappointed. He felt like coaching a squad of one wouldn't be worth information technology.

Principal Brooks knew differently. She knew every unmarried person mattered. Even if yous were only speaking or teaching or leadingoneperson. They mattered.

Do you get discouraged when your team dwindles or there doesn't seem to exist much of an impact? Know that your work matters.

If you touch on1person in your leadership position, they matter.Your work matters.

Be willing to impact one person.

v. Don't let disabilities stop you:

Hannah had a pretty debilitating ailment for an athlete. Her asthma could sideline her… or worse.

Yet, Hannah wanted to run. She was practiced at the sport and she was willing to live with the risks.

You might take a disability. I'm not sure what yours may be. It could exist a stutter or eye affliction or a mental disorder.

If you lot were called to be a leader, don't let the disability cease you. Figure out a style to lead through your disability. Hannah did this by conveying her inhaler while she ran. You tin discover a mode to work through yours.

6. Amy Harrison (Shari Rigby):

This sport is about endurance.

The Harrison'due south learned a huge lesson nigh cross state running. Running isn't about being the fastest. Running cantankerous country is about endurance.

You have to push through fatigue, pain, mental barriers to reach the finish line. You have toendure.

While cantankerous state running is an endurance sport,leadershipis an endurance position.

You lot won't accept to be the fastest leader. Yous won't even have to be the all-time leader. To be a great leader, you take to suffer for the long term.

So, and only and then, will yous see the impact of what you're doing. Be an endurance leader.

7. Mind to learn:

Jitney Harrison went to the hospital with his pastor. His pastor needed someone to go with him to do hospital visits. While his pastor went into a congregant's hospital room, Coach Harrison accidentally opened the door to some other patient.

This patient'due south proper noun was Thomas Hill (Cameron Arnett). Thomas had been a runner when he was salubrious. He was a darn adept runner at that.

When Jitney Harrison discovered Thomas had been a runner, he asked Thomas for advice in coaching runners. This was something new to Coach Harrison but one-time hat to Thomas.

As Jitney Harrison listened, he learned what it took to bus runners. He learned running tips and tricks. More than that, he learned he needed to listen to learn.

Are you listening like Coach Harrison did? You need to exist willing to mind to those with more experience than you lot.

They will be able to pour into your life and assist you lead your organisation better. You can learn so much by listening.

8. Amy Harrison:

Can this await or exercise y'all need more than time to pout?

Coach Harrison was upset. He went outside and began cleaning a pile of bricks that had saturday outside for months. He needed time to absurd off and chill.

Amy went out to talk to him and realized what he was doing. Coach Harrison was pouting. She saw this and called him out.

Sometimes nosotros will do things that seem important. We might push papers or write upwards a new vision statement. All the while, we're not focused on the task. We're actually pouting considering of a difficult battle at piece of work or domicile.

The next fourth dimension y'all go do busywork, call back about the reason behind it. Are you doing it because the work needs to be washed or are you pouting?

9. Real isn't polished:

The Kendrick brothers movies aren't the most polished movies. They don't contain big explosion or fancy sets.

Instead, they try to capture the existent world. The people are real and the dialogue tin can be spotty but it is real.

That's the magic behind their Christian films. They're not polished. They're well washed merely not perfect.

People prefer things that are real. There can be mistakes made in your leadership. Most people won't care every bit long as you lot are existent.

Look to be real rather than looking good. That'southward what people desire in a leader.

ten. Know who Y'all are when all is stripped away:

Thomas asked Coach Harrison who he was. When Coach responded that he was a coach, Thomas knew bus was just skimming the surface.

A coach wasn'twhoJohn was. John was more than that. Equally Thomas and John began to strip back the layers, John discovered an ugly truth. He wasn't living out who he was.

John and Thomas went through many layers. John was a:

  • Basketball Charabanc
  • History teacher
  • Husband
  • Father
  • Christian

If all was stripped away, John believed he would still be a Christian. And so Thomas smacked him upside the caput with his next question. The question was: Why did it take so many titles to become to the title of Christian? Was John really living out a Christian life?

Practice you lot know who you truly are when all is stripped abroad? It is easy to say you are the leader of Boeing or the Vice President of Sales at Xerox. Those are only titles. If the titles were all stripped away,whowould you be?

Call back about this. Become to the root of who you lot are. Y'all need to know this to stay grounded.

11. Thomas Hill:

Your identity will be tied to whatever y'all requiteyour centre to

This quote followed Thomas and John'southward talk. Thomas realized after all the junk he'd gone through (being a drug addict, leaving his family behind, getting his girlfriend hooked on drugs, etc…) that knowing your identity was important.

You tin can tell who you are by what you give your middle to. And so, my question to you is, what are you giving your eye to?

12. John Harrison:

We need to pray.

John learned something startling most Thomas and Hannah. Hannah was the daughter Thomas had given to her grandmother, Barbara Scott (Denise Armstrong), 15 years ago. This created a conundrum for John and Amy.

Practice they reveal the truth to Hannah? Do they introduce them to each other? What should be done?

The questions raced through their minds. They eventually realized what they must do. They needed to pray .

I know every nifty leader needs to practise this as well. Praying to God will requite you clarity. It will give you a line of advice with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Prayer will move mountains and requite you insights into areas you may be struggling. Don't be afraid to pray. Existent leaders pray.

13. Encourage your team members:

Ethan Harrison (Jack Sterner) was i of John and Amy's sons. He did his parents proud by showing up at i of the cantankerous state meets.

Not only did he show up, but he besides brought forth other students from the school. He and his swain classmates chose to cheer on and encourage Hannah as she ran.

This was a powerful moment for Bus Harrison, Hannah, and the school. The encouragement everyone brought touched Hannah. It encouraged her to go on running.

Encouragement is a powerful tool in leadership. People need to hear they're doing a skillful task. But we can take this a step further.

Your squad members need to hear encouragement fromyous. They as well demand to hear information technology from each other.

Learn to create an surround where team members encourage one another.

xiv. Coach John Harrison:

Maybe we take the mean solar day off.

Hannah was having a rough 24-hour interval. When Charabanc Harrison asked if she was ready to practise, she said she didn't feel like running.

Being a runner, I know how Hannah felt. At that place are days where you but don't experience similar running.

Coach Harrison realized he shouldn't force her to run. Instead, he asked her if she would like to accept the day off of running.

There will be days where you lot don't feel similar leading. You will feel burned out or frustrated.

Know you can take a day off. The arrangement won't collapse on itself considering you lot miss a day. You lot need fourth dimension to recharge and refresh.

Exist willing to take the solar day off.

15. Make a listing of who you are:

Main Brooks helped atomic number 82 Hannah to the Lord. Afterward, she encouraged Hannah to become and read Ephesians 1 and two.

She told Hannah to read these scriptures and brainstorm to write downwards what these scriptures said she was. The list Hannah came up with was long. The list was also powerful.

Hannah's list in Overcomer breaks down to the post-obit statement she gave to Coach Harrison:

I am created by God. He designed me, so I'm not a mistake. His Son died for me, only so I could be forgiven. He picked me to be his ain, and then I'm called. He redeemed me, so I am wanted. He showed me grace, just so I could exist saved. He has a hereafter for me because He loves me. So I don't wonder anymore, Autobus Harrison. I am a kid of God.

Wow, just wow.

I want to encourage you every bit Principal Brooks did to Hannah. Get, take a look at Ephesians 1 and 2. Read the verses. Soak them in. Allow the words penetrate your heed.

Once you've meditated on the words, write out who you lot are in Christ. Keep this front end and eye then y'all tin rememberwhoyou are.

sixteen. Make things correct:

Hannah had a rough upbringing. Before she became a Christian, she was a cleptomaniac. She would steal things that were out in the open.

There were headphones, jewelry, watches, etc that were stolen by her. She had quite the collection.

Once she became a Christian, she knew she had to make things correct. She began to bring back all of the stolen goods to the ones she had taken them from.

You have done people wrong in your life. There's no denying that.

I want to encourage you to get and brand things correct with these people. Offer an amends. Repay what was stolen. Practise what is right.

17. Barbara Scott:

I need your help God…

Barbara was very upset when she establish out Hannah'due south begetter was back in her life. She hadn't forgiven him for getting her daughter addicted to drugs and leaving Hannah with her.

The bitterness and unforgiveness had fabricated Barbara a very aroused woman. Having Thomas back in the picture merely made information technology worse.

Barbara knew the just way she could movement on was to forgive Thomas. To exercise this, she needed God's help.

Great leaders call on God on a daily basis. They know they need His guidance and providence in their lives. Without Him, they are zippo.

Don't be afraid to ask God to come in and assist with your business and those you lot lead. He will mind and He will come and help you.

18. It's never too late to get out a legacy:

Thomas screwed up a lot of his life. The biggest was leaving his daughter. Yet he had a nifty 6 weeks with Hannah earlier he passed away.

In this time, Thomas did something that was bigger than himself. He began recording letters for his daughter. They would be gentle reminders of how much he loved her and how much he changed.

These messages were his legacy to the girl he only knew for a short fourth dimension. He left a positive legacy even though he wasn't able to spend much time with Hannah.

You may take messed upward majorly in your life. You may feel like you're the biggest screwup in history. You're not. It's too not too tardily to brand up for your mistakes and leave a positive legacy.

You can begin changing the legacy you will leavetoday. All you have to do is work on existence better today than y'all were yesterday.

Question: If y'all've watched Overcomer, what leadership lessons did you take away from the movie? If you oasis't seen the moving picture, what Reel Leadership lessons from Overcomer the movie that I shared resonated with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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